
Ok, I’ve just realized that it’s not because this conference is in Paris, that I’ll be able to do it in French. I must review my English « blogging and education » vocabulary.

I’m a speaker on the Education Panel (17h30 to 18h30), talking about iXmédia and Opossum experience with blogs and learning. Thanks to Mario for the crash course on giving lectures about the Cyberportfolio.

I think it will be real fun to see, in person, many of the people that I’ve been reading for the last few years. My only regret is that there’s too many people I’ll meet without ever having read their blogs. (It’s always fun to meet someone in real life and consider that you know him (or her) pretty well through the blog.)

6 réflexions sur « english. »

  1. but you weel ‘ave to spike ingliche like zis in France! Or zey weel not understand you! Ze american ingliche is not very popular…

    good luck!

  2. It’s always fun to meet someone in real life and consider that you know him pretty well THROUGH the blog.

    Bon séjour à Paris quand même…

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