
Retour hier soir, superbe trois jours, malheureusement un peu trop rapide à mon goût. Boston mérite un séjour plus long, ça sera pour cet été. Le Maine fut une révélation (33000 élèves et 1900 professeurs!). Un peu déçu de la présentation au MédiaLab, les professeurs ont la mauvaise habitude de déléguer leurs étudiants gradués pour faire des présentations. Intéressant pour le fond, mais loin d’être impressionnant sur la forme et le débat intellectuel.

L’avantage de partir avec 52 personnes dans un autobus, c’est la variété des contacts que l’on y fait. C’est ce que je retiendrai du voyage. L’autre problème, c’est que ça donne des idées et des projets, et ça ça va prendre une petite surdose d’énergie pour mener tout ça à terme! Mes salutations à mes confrères de carnets: Robert et Mario.


Unable to connect to the network yesterday, just found out that by faking the MIT Alumni Status we can connect to the wireless network. Now trying to think in English, I talk better that way. Should stay longer in Boston, a so nice city. Went to the Durgin Park Restaurant last night, the waitresses are still there. No, did get to go to Clark’s for the traditional LIIT, will have to come back.


Questions by somebody: do you use voice over ip software, collaborative environment type of solution?

Answer: Don’t work that well, not that interesting for projects. Our most interesting project with 7th grader is the « roadkill project ». Each students take picture of roadkills on his section of a road and does web pages on those. Kids love it. No need for hign technology to get their attention or get them collaborating.


Blogging live from University of Maine at Farmington, conference by Mike Shannon (Regional Integration Mentor, Auburn Middle School) on the Maine Learning Technology Initiative:

– all students connected (all part of The Seventh Grade of Maine, a community).
– variables: students, teachers, laptops, technology infrastructure, support and training.
– shift in teaching/learning process: student-centered instruction, supported by teacher-centered instruction, concent-centered instruction, through technology integration.
– Use in the classroom: tools available for all: television, still camera, movie camera, firewire drive, projectors, wireless connectivity, software.
– Demo year: Team wanted to be first with laptops: highly motivated, innovative teacher group, willing to change teaching processes, eager to locate ressources, willing participants in training, lived in a fishbowl. Project could not fail. Lots of attention from outsiders.
– Teacher training: Initial: two days, lots of beginners. Too fast. Can’t learn in two days. Must be little by little by little. Now: Content area leaders. Best practices conference.
– Implementation year: use by teachers: white box plus (laptops and peripheral): 50%. white box only (laptops): 35%. Approaching (not fully involved): 10%. Resistant: 5%.
– Student orientation: students need to know how to use the software (grammar checker, writing assesment), serendipity of the laptops. Rules of the school, acceptable use policies.
– Next year: 500 laptops in the building, new people, new issues, continued growth, greater impact on teaching and learning, more and more complex mistakes, more and more training opportunities, greater use of extended capabilities. Mistakes are fun = Learning Opportunities.
– Denver Airport: 7 abandonned laptops every day, kids take better care than adult.

Presentation by Melanie Masson, 8th grade teacher and Cathy, 6th grade teacher, small school, multi age class, only 7th graders have laptops! Local community provided extra computers on mobile cart for 6th and 8th graders.

– Team teaching, mentor.
– QuickShop: monthly demonstration by the tech integrator.
– All teachers have laptops also.
– Shareware and freeware use.
– Bernard Lord came.

Presentation by Laura Richter, Tech Integrator, Skowhegan Area Middle Schoo, plus questions:

Ressources for teachers
– 36000 students on a FirstClass System = meltdown. Been there!
– Writing skills? Yes, difference, changing, context.
– School must buy park bench for student accessing the network in the schoolyard after hours or on the weekend.
– Students know then can learn faster, learn more, get more information with the laptops. But books are sometimes more adapted for their level.


Deux heures de visite dans l’école, des étudiants heureux de présenter leur projet en iMovie, leurs pages web, leur présentation. Une équipe de professeur ayant du temps pour travailler ensemble, une ambiance assez impressionnante, un contexte social et technologique intégré. Un film sur l’histoire des États-Unis réalisé par les étudiants, belle critique sociale, heureux de savoir qu’il reste des Américains sensés! Y’a de l’espoir.