Auteur/autrice : cfd
Du jour.
Du jour.
Du jour.
- ‘Business Cards’ Let Restaurants Know You Might Write a Review
- White House unveils National Day of Civic Hacking to solve problems with open data
- Why the Moon landing wasn't faked
- Apple again dominates US smartphones sales over Android
- Do you have a tech-free zone in your home?
- Smithsonian zoo introduces iPads to orangutans with ‘App for Apes’ project
Du jour.
- Microsoft may take major ($1-3B) stake in Dell as it goes private
- Remember Lotus Notes? It’s Still a $1 Billion IBM Business.
- Stay Put, Stay Warm, And Watch 12 Hot Sundance Shorts
- Les chefs éphémères ont la cote à la Table Ronde
- Report: iPhone captured 51.2-percent of US smartphone market last quarter, Android switchers up 10 percent
- The Postal Service to Reunite? »
- Movie filmed entirely in Disney theme parks premieres at Sundance
- Official Crock-Pot Slow Cooker iOS app is a tasty addition to your device
- → The Magazine: Issue 8
- WaveJamr promises Bluetooth audio freedom, but delivers frustration
- RIM could license software, sell hardware division after BB10 launch
- How I Cleaned 1,328 Emails Out of My Inbox in an Hour
- American Airlines debuts new logo and livery
Du jour.
Du jour. 21 January 2013
- Napster, the Movie
- Your Database Is Probably Terrible
- Bathroom collection by Marc Newson for Caroma
- Des fois…
- Nike+ opens up its APIs, lets developers see what NikeFuel really is
- Last Chance To See The Bouroullec Brothers In Chicago
- The Big Web Show
- Napkin 1.0
- Apple’s Churning of the Gut
- Full BlackBerry Z10 specs leak
- Documents is a free, powerful, cloud-integrated document and media manager for iPad
- Market by Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance for Petite Friture
- Bill Gates to chat education on PBS in first TED Talk made for TV
- Editorial: TV gets prettier, smarter and dumber
- Using WP_Query In WordPress
- X House by Cadaval & Solà -Morales
- Frank Gehry At 83: Still Obsessed With Fish
- Microsoft’s Office Suite and Printers Sitting in a Tree…
- The Apps that Stuck in 2012 — iPhone Edition
D’un retour surprise!
Enfin! La page « starred items » de Google Reader est revenue, AVEC le fil RSS! Je m’ennuyais tellement de cette façon de partager les trucs intéressants dans ce que je lis quotidiennement (certain(e)s diront que je lis tout le temps, heureux de savoir que maintenant ça se partage comme avant!)
227 fils de nouvelles, 12000 articles vus par mois, 92 partagés.
Du goût de repartir ceci de zéro…
C’est plutôt déprimant de constater qu’on manque à ce point de motivation pour réfléchir publiquement dans ce carnet de notes. Ça donne le goût de tout archiver, et de repartir sur une nouvelle thématique. Ça viendra!
Qu’est-ce que je disais? iPad Mini is the new Remote. iPad Mini is the new TV Hebdo.