Hum… 63-72 jours… Du 3 juin au 1 août, ça fait 59 jours…
Because of the long gestation period and the large size of the pups, pregnant females may become large and eggplant-shaped, although the change in size and shape varies among individual animals.
Sows when pregnant seem to drink huge amounts of water and obviously their appetites increase until the last few days when they tend to go off their food. They go a kind of bulb shape from about half way thru the pregnancy and get fatter and fatter.
You think you are going to have ONE or TWO babies?
What would you do with 8 babies? Typical litters average 3 to 4. We have had rescue litters of 5 and 6. They could all be boars (males). Are you prepared to separate boars at 3 weeks into separate cages? A boar can get his mother pregnant as early as 3 weeks old. Are you prepared to deal with any fights requiring separation of adolescents as any of them mature–within a few months?
Je pense qu’on va être parents… Est-ce l’animalerie? Praline serait-il un Pralin?