
Comme dirait l’autre « maison sucrée maison »…

Manqué ma correspondance à Montréal, mais par chance seulement 30 minutes de plus pour le voyage. Nous voici revenu à la maison, avec plein d’idées en tête, quelques amis de plus. J’oublie trop souvent l’effet que me font de telles conférences, noter d’en faire plus souvent.

Beaucoup de plaisirs, avec Ian et H. (les futures nouveaux parents), avec M-C et Patrick (mes collègues de délégation), avec Etienne qui est vraiment rayonnant (miam de la tartiflette), avec Clément et Luc, mes deux vrais cousins parisiens.

Ce fut fort plaisant. Merci!


About China:
Technology change agent, but not the same culture, not content oriented.
Self control, not to upset. A balance that works, evolution, but not the same speed.
Americans are adapting. Asian trendsetters (xbox 360 = asian design).
Difficult to understand China from the outside, we think that we need to change it.
History doesn’t have the same definition, speed of change is not the same.

Ben: Freedom of speech is not the first thing we should have (food, home, etc.).

Thomas: the government does not have the information without freedom of speech.

About Changing the world (with Reid Hoffman, CEO LinkedIn):

– Ethics
– Taking pictures of anybody, and posting them for the world to see.
– Culture? Acceptable?
– No camera sign in the Nokia Headquarters.
– New ethics of secret.
– Sometimes secrets are important to society.

Not having enough time.
Too much thinking.
Changing the world is big, and we don’t know how it will change.
Give up a level of control.


Yé! Ben! Nice chap. (en kilt.)

Eight Big Ideas of the 21st Century
(and why blogging isn’t one of them.)

Society tends to get better… (in the long term)
(an optimist!)

We are due for a renaissance.

But something weird is happening.

Information technology builds upon itself, facilitates every other type of progress.

Who here has a job he could explain to himself, if he went back in time 15 years?

Moore’s Law

Kryder’s Law

8 ideas that freak out the men in suits (resist change!):

1. Information wants to be free. (copyright)
2. Zero distance (borders)
3. Mass amateurisation (censorship)
(cost going down, now have the right to get it wrong, how long?)
4. More is much more (network blocking)
(peer to peer, free phone call)
5. True Names (Identity cards and databases)
6. Viral behaviour (more networking blocking)
7. Everything is personal (everything is trackable)
8. Ubiquitous computing (no privacy)

French government law is going to make the email illegal.

A decision point:
unstopped » progress continues
stopping: social decision
society is changing now

So what do we (I) do?
(a tipping point!)

Lucky to be here.
Like the berlin wall, mandela, etc.
(1991: web server turned on » turning point for human society)
We are living the first incarnation of a major revolution: the renaissance.
(We would have been friend with Leonard de Vinci).

Unlucky to be here. also.


Promise to be very interesting.

Suw, Hugh (cool cartoon), Anina (model blogger), Marc (well known for sleeping).

My mensuration are 34-34-34 (peut-être que je vais avoir autant de succès (et d’attention qu’Anina!).

Some people play WoW only to socialize because their other friends are playing.

Social interaction mediated by computer: email, irc, blogs, etc.
– communication problem, not enough emotional bandwidth.
– change identity in real life (so no problem on the Internet)
– how to increase the emotional bandwidth?
– touch, physical contact is good.